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High Commendation - BNA Credibility Student Researcher Prize


These awards highlight and recognise some of the excellent efforts to ensure that neuroscience research is as robust, reliable, replicable, and reproducible as possible. 



KCL Local Network Lead for the UKRN 

I am the current Local Network Lead for the UK Reproducibility Network, providing a point of contact between UKRN and the University, and representing the grassroots network of researchers at my institution. As a result of my work, we will soon have some very exciting announcements at KCL.

Selected open Research Publications 

Kowalczyk*, O., Lautarescu*, A., Blok*, E., Dall'Aglio*, L., & Westwood, S. (2022). What senior academics can do to support reproducible and open research: a short, three-step guide. BMC research notes, 15(1), 1-9.. 

Pownall, M., Talbot, C. V., Henschel*, A., Lautarescu*, A., Lloyd*, K., Hartmann*, H., Darda*, K.M., Tang*, K.T.Y. , Carmichael-Murphy* & Siegel, J. A. (2021). Navigating Open Science as Early Career Feminist Researchers. Psychology of Women Quarterly.

Stewart, S., Rinke, E., McGarrigle, R., Lynott, D., Lunny, C., Lautarescu, A., … Crook, Z. (2020, October 30). Pre-registration and Registered Reports: A primer from UKRN.   (Authors Z-A)  

See full list of publications. 

Organiser "Open Research: A vision for the future" 

With support from the RIOT Science Club, I led the organisation of a half-day conference: "Open Research: A vision for the future", which was attended by over 300 participants. You can view the conference booklet for details, and the recordings have been uploaded to the RIOTS Youtube channel

Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 11.19.23.png

Certification from The Embassy of Good Science 


The certified VIRT2UE trainer badge serves as an indicator of accomplishment for those who completed the VIRT2UE Train-the-Trainer program and have qualified as certified trainers in the field of research integrity and ethics. The train-the-trainer program is focused on what it means to be a good researcher. The program takes an aspirational approach and promotes reflection on personal attitudes and behaviours.

Invited contribution to workshop 

I was invited to speak about grassroot open research initiatives at the "How can open practices help you get published" workshop organised by King's College London and Wiley, in partnership with the UK Reproducibility Network. 


Blogpost for Psych PhD Pathway

I wrote an invited blogpost for Psych PhD Pathway, on "Emptying psychology's file drawer".

Read at  

Invited talk at the Department of Geography, KCL 

I gave a presentation titled "Open Research at King's College London (and beyond)


UK Open Research Working Group Conference  

I presented alongside my colleague Lorenza Dall'Aglio, a short summary of our paper "How senior academics can support reproducible and open research: A short three-step guide"

RIOT Science Club 

I am a board member of the RIOT Science club a weekly seminar series that promotes and provides training in Reproducible, Interpretable, Open & Transparent Science. Alongside Miguel Xochicale, I have worked to extend RIOTS to the St Thomas' Hospital campus. 

As part of RIOTS @ St Thomas' , I gave a talk on how early career researchers can implement open science practices in their workflow, ensuring that reproducibility and transparency are embedded in the research process.

Open Research Calendar  (co-founder)


The Open Research Calendar (@openresearchcal)” was created as a tool to serve the open research community in collating worldwide  open research events into one database. This translates onto a Google Calendar  which can be synced into a person’s own personal calendar (updating as new events get added). The tool was designed, created and beta-tested in January of 2020 and then officially launched in February 2020. Co-founded with Bradley KennedyCassandra Gould van Praag, and Esther Plomp

Open Science Room - OHBM 

I contributed to organising the Open Science Room at the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping conference (2020). My primary role was that of "Community Engagement - Speakers" which involved exchanging emails with speakers to prepare them for their presentation and provide support during the conference. This role included managing communications with over 100 speakers to ensure the smooth running of ~50 conference sessions. My secondary role was that of an "Open Research Advisor", which meant I was a primary point of contact for conference attendees unfamiliar with open research practices and looking for an introduction. 


Blogpost for BMJ Open Science


May 2020 - Wrote an invited blogpost for British Medical Journal - Open Science about my journey into open research and the incremental steps that early career researchers can take to improve the transparency and reproducibility of our research.

Read at: 

Interview on ResearcHersCode podcast 

Was interviewed for Episode 10 (What is Open Science?), discussing what makes good science and what can we do as early career researchers, to work reproducibly and transparently. 

Advanced Methods for Reproducible Science

Was accepted to attend the UKRN course on Advanced Methods for Reproducible Science (Jan 2020), a week-long course covering all things open science. I wrote a blog post about my experience, available here

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